KASA will be hosting a LiNK Screening for their Reliance Tour on November 10th, 2011 (107 Robinson) from 6:00PM-7:15PM. A short GM will proceed after the screening.
LiNK (Liberty in North Korea), is an organization that aims to redefine the North Korea crisis
through creative storytelling, while providing emergency relief to North
Korean refugees and pursuing an end to the human rights crisis. The Reliance is a human network of individuals committed to seeing every
North Korean refugee free.
We always hear stories about the North Korean refugees and how it is "over there" but rarely do we hear real stories from real people whose lives are at stake every moment of their lives.
Human Rights Crisis:
A Cult of Personality:Indoctrination programs to worship Kim Jong Il start in nursery school,
every citizen has a Kim pin on his/her lapel, there are Kim portraits in
every household, and there is no tolerance for criticizing or
“subverting” the Kim regime in any way.
Food Crisis: 33% of the population is currently undernourished, 23% of children under
the age of five are underweight, and a near-total breakdown in the
public health system has left an entire generation of children
physically and mentally impaired.
Lack of Fundamental Freedoms: The North Korean government
prohibits freedom of speech, press, assembly, and association. Not only
wrong-doers, but "wrong-thinkers" are punished, the press is centrally
controlled, and there is virtually no access to outside information.
Imagine living in a place like this.
Moving hearts, screenings have touched and
changed lives; many students and young adult become nomads to rescue the
refugees while raising awareness of the North Korea crisis. Now is
your chance to take look inside the North Korean regime and to find out
how we're all connected.
Learn more about LiNK:
Trailer of "Hiding":